The Disciplinary Action Exchange (DAE) was developed to help the BOC, states, and consumers locate disciplinary actions in an efficient manner. The BOC encourages all states to participate in the DAE. The DAE contains final BOC disciplinary actions that have been deemed public, as well as public disciplinary actions taken by state regulatory agencies. All actions posted to the DAE have been confirmed as public information.
Name | Certification Number | Residence | License Number | Action Taken On | Action Taken By | Action(s) Taken | Documentation |
Christopher Poskey | 120602045 | KS | 2017001840 | 09/24/2024 | Missouri |
Voluntary Surrender
Consent Order |
Kayla F McKenzie | 2000052003 | NC | LAT-5318 | 08/05/2024 | North Carolina |
Consent Order |
Christopher Poskey | 120602045 | KS | 09/10/2024 | Board of Certification (BOC) |
Consent Agreement | |
Jimmy Augustin | 2000006834 | MD | AT23000036 | 06/04/2024 | District of Columbia |
Restricted License |
Consent Order |
Nancy R Augsburger | 000042547 | OH | AT000008 | 07/16/2024 | Ohio |
Voluntary Surrender
Consent Agreement |
Gregory Langjahr | 000041740 | OH | AT000200 | 07/16/2024 | Ohio |
Voluntary Surrender
Consent Agreement |
Emily Carda | 2000056515 | MT | 07/15/2024 | Board of Certification (BOC) |
Corrective Action Probation |
Consent Agreement | |
Justin Cobb | 080502120 | FL | 06/26/2024 | Board of Certification (BOC) |
Consent Agreement | |
Lisa A Romanetz | 060202146 | NJ | 06/12/2024 | Board of Certification (BOC) |
Consent Agreement | |
Kelsey Ellis-Lepard | 2000038791 | OH | AT006728 | 05/16/2024 | Ohio |
Consent Agreement |
Alexandra E Wilson | 2000029685 | MO | 05/16/2024 | Board of Certification (BOC) |
Decision | |
Travis Smarelli | 2000004849 | IN | 04/16/2024 | Board of Certification (BOC) |
Consent Agreement | |
Jon Vitello | 120702041 | OH | AT003079 | 03/12/2024 | Ohio |
Voluntary Surrender
Consent Agreement - Voluntary Surrender |
Dylan Frazier | 2000037037 | CO | 04/11/2024 | Board of Certification (BOC) |
Suspension (Reinstated)
Reinstatement & Decision | |
Jose R Ruiz | 2000030034 | TX | 04/09/2024 | Board of Certification (BOC) |
Decision | |
Sabrina Crucianelli | 2000021471 | FL | 03/15/2024 | Board of Certification (BOC) |
Suspension (Reinstated)
Reinstatement & Consent Agreement | |
Jason S Seaton | 2000005860 | TN | 02/21/2024 | Board of Certification (BOC) |
Consent Agreement | |
Cearra Keller | 2000034124 | OH | AT005802 | 01/18/2024 | Ohio |
Adjudication Order |
Mark Macias | 000041944 | IL | 02/06/2024 | Board of Certification (BOC) |
Corrective Action |
Consent Agreement | |
Robert M Murphy Jr | 059402427 | NC | 11/21/2023 | Board of Certification (BOC) |
Decision | |
Austin T Albright | 2000035119 | TN | 01/24/2024 | Board of Certification (BOC) |
Decision | |
Sadie Sewell | 2000033991 | HI | 01/26/2024 | Board of Certification (BOC) |
Suspension (Reinstated)
Consent Agreement | |
Christopher B D'Errico | 2000010596 | NC | 01/22/2024 | Board of Certification (BOC) |
Decision | |
Mark L Hibbard | 2000018519 | WY | 01/22/2024 | Board of Certification (BOC) |
Decision | |
Ellen R Johnson | 2000001411 | SC | 01/22/2024 | Board of Certification (BOC) |
Decision |