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Disciplinary Action Exchange

The Disciplinary Action Exchange (DAE) was developed to help the BOC, states, and consumers locate disciplinary actions in an efficient manner. The BOC encourages all states to participate in the DAE. The DAE contains final BOC disciplinary actions that have been deemed public, as well as public disciplinary actions taken by state regulatory agencies. All actions posted to the DAE have been confirmed as public information.

  • If you would like more information in regards to a disciplinary action taken by a state, please contact the State Regulatory Agency.
  • If you would like more information in regards to a disciplinary action taken by the BOC, please send an email to

Name Certification Number Residence License Number Action Taken On Action Taken By ▲ Action(s) Taken Documentation
Cynthia Zilko 060402629 OH AT.004311 01/08/2014 Ohio Reprimand
Consent Agreement
Melinda K Rober 110002238 OH AT.001841 09/12/2013 Ohio Revocation
Adjudication Order
Timothy L Kropa 2000012686 PA RT005529 03/15/2022 Pennsylvania Voluntary Surrender
Consent Agreement and Order
Robert H Shank 000020246 PA RT000330A 12/14/2021 Pennsylvania Voluntary Surrender
Consent Agreement and Order
Mikaela Potrako 2000021419 PA RTO000377 02/22/2021 Pennsylvania Suspension
Board Action Report
Mikaela Potrako 2000021419 PA RTO000377 02/22/2021 Pennsylvania Suspension
Memorandum Order
Claire A McEvoy 2000025304 PA RT006683 10/29/2020 Pennsylvania Reprimand
Consent Agreement and Order
Matthew J Meredick 2000011920 PA RT005434 03/05/2019 Pennsylvania Suspension
Corrected Memorandum Order
Jason Nutter 120502118 OH 06/07/2017 Pennsylvania Application Denied
Final Order
Nathan P Quebedeaux 2000001300 LA RT005802 05/04/2017 Pennsylvania Reinstatement of license to unrestricted
Final Order
Benjamin N Stahle 2000010624 PA RT005362 09/07/2016 Pennsylvania Voluntary Surrender
Consent Agreement and Order
Nathan P Quebedeaux 2000001300 PA RT005802 08/15/2016 Pennsylvania Suspension
Order Suspending License
Gregory D Lowden 2000006681 NJ RT006318 07/06/2016 Pennsylvania Non-probationary Status
Reinstatement of license to unrestricted
Final Order
Kathleen O Trivilino 029902817 PA RT002272A 06/09/2016 Pennsylvania License Denied
Final Order
Rochelle M Gilbert 049702618 PA RTO000156 12/09/2015 Pennsylvania Fine
Consent Agreement and Order
Tammie R Lasure 129502445 PA RT005497 12/08/2015 Pennsylvania Fine
Consent Agreement and Order
James Weagley 000020425 PA RT000365A 10/08/2015 Pennsylvania Fine
Final Order
James W Ochse 000021653 PA RT001722A 02/25/2015 Pennsylvania Suspension
Final Order
Alphonza Bellamy 000021253 PA RT005964 02/03/2015 Pennsylvania Fine
Consent Agreement and Order
Christine L Balchikonis 020102164 GA RO002497A 02/03/2015 Pennsylvania Voluntary Surrender
Consent Agreement and Order
Tyler LeFebvre 2000030653 VA 0126003355 02/10/2019 Virginia Reprimand
Tyler LeFebvre Conent Order
Aubrey Greathouse 2000018050 WV AT001766 12/02/2021 West Virginia Suspension
Order Suspending Respondent's License and Notice of Hearing
Joshua Lewis 050702119 WY 077 04/22/2019 Wyoming Reprimand
Settlement Agreement, Stipulation, and Order for Reprimand
Rachel I Freeman 2000000826 WY 144 09/14/2016 Wyoming Reprimand
Settlement Agreement, Stipulation, and Order for Reprimand