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Disciplinary Action Exchange

The Disciplinary Action Exchange (DAE) was developed to help the BOC, states, and consumers locate disciplinary actions in an efficient manner. The BOC encourages all states to participate in the DAE. The DAE contains final BOC disciplinary actions that have been deemed public, as well as public disciplinary actions taken by state regulatory agencies. All actions posted to the DAE have been confirmed as public information.

  • If you would like more information in regards to a disciplinary action taken by a state, please contact the State Regulatory Agency.
  • If you would like more information in regards to a disciplinary action taken by the BOC, please send an email to

Name Certification Number Residence ▲ License Number Action Taken On Action Taken By Action(s) Taken Documentation
Erika A Vodopich 2000002028 CO 08/25/2015 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Alexandra P Harris 2000011576 CO 11/05/2014 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Decision Letter
Robin H Ganter 2000016550 CT 11/16/2020 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Consent Agreement
Paul R Ucci 2000001572 CT 06/06/2019 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Jason A Mussman 2000005301 CT 09/11/2018 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Consent Agreement
Sonja Hobson 060802319 CT 11/06/2017 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Josh Kekacs 019802401 CT 09/16/2017 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Gerard T Burley 120502172 DC 05/30/2017 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Justin Cobb 080502120 FL 06/26/2024 Board of Certification (BOC) Censure
Consent Agreement
Sabrina Crucianelli 2000021471 FL 03/15/2024 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension (Reinstated)
Reinstatement & Consent Agreement
Michael Balsamo 2000037948 FL 12/11/2023 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Heather L Buzenius 2000008425 FL 06/16/2023 Board of Certification (BOC) Censure
Consent Agreement
Jenna L Belser 2000023190 FL 04/05/2023 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Consent Agreement
Mark Johnston 029402500 FL 03/21/2023 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Consent Agreement
Nathan Belcher Jr 110502113 FL 01/24/2022 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Sabrina Crucianelli 2000021471 FL 01/31/2022 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension (Reinstated)
Reinstatement Letter and Decision
Russell DeVero 2000012743 FL 01/13/2022 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension (Reinstated)
Reinstatement Letter and Consent Agreement
Darrell A Crews 070502021 FL 07/14/2021 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Molly A Nunnally 2000028050 FL 04/23/2021 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension (Reinstated)
Consent Agreement
Cassandra E Rodriguez 2000028783 FL 03/22/2021 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Consent Agreement
Segundo S Huerta Jr 070502161 FL 02/23/2021 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Consent Agreement
Daniel O'Keefe 070802088 FL 05/15/2019 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Zackary Pena 2000021480 FL 02/26/2019 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Sae Yong Lee 020702710 FL 02/26/2019 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension
Chad Martin 060702072 FL 02/07/2019 Board of Certification (BOC) Suspension